♔I promise :)♔
Thursday 7 June 2012 | 02:21 | 0 love drops

Awak,, marah betul kat kite kan. ? 
kite cakap macam tu, actually dalam keadaan tak sedar. 
before malam kejadian tu kite stress sangat.
saat saat kite perlukan awak, awak sibuk dengan keje.

then, pagi tu kite dah demam teruk, pukul 8a.m tu awak miscall. ingat tak sayang ? kite takde tenaga nak cari fone yang kite dah campak malam tu. biarlah bunyi tu berhenti. pukul 9a.m tu awak miscall lagi. kite ikhtiar bangun cari fone, pastu dah pegang fone, bunyi berhenti. takpe la. kite sambung tidur. dalam pukul 11a.m, mama masuk bilik then, marah suruh turun, breakfast, makan ubat. kite tak nak, kite tunggu lagi awak call. then, takde pun. kite terus sent ''KAU JANGAN CARIK AKU LAGI *terus offfone'' ayat nie yang buat awak trauma kan? sorry sayang. kite tak bermaksud nak ganggu emosi awak pagi tu. mase awak reply, fone kite dah mati. keyy. kite tahu, awak marah sangat kite cakap macam tu. then awak kate kite tak faham keje awak. awak kate kite nie susah memahami condition orang bekerja macam mane, sampai lah ke malam kite still tak berbaik. 

malam tu kite call awak, pujuk awak, keyy,, kite mengaku memang kite salah sangat dalam hal nie, awak menangis malam tu. awak tak cakap pun mase kite call, memang awak kecewa sangat dengan kite. memang patut awak hukum kite camnie, then awak ended. kite still nak pujuk awak, kite send message, awaq reply,,
awaq mintak kite break message sebab awak tak boleh kawal perasaan. keyy. tengah malam tu awak start message, mintak maaf kat kite, kite tahu laa awak macam mane, awak still marah lagi kat kite. takpe la. kite layan kan je mood awak malam tu. sorry sangat sangat sebab kite buat awak pun stress. 

awak, ingat nie, kite sayang awak sangat sangat. macam awak cakap kat kite. kite janji dah tanak buat lagi dah. promise ! promise ! promise. keyy. terima kite balik ae..

I promise to give you the best of myself and to ask no more than you can give in return. 

I promise to accept you the way you are, I fell in love with you for the qualities, abilities, and outlook on life that you have. I won't try to shape you into any different image... 

I promise to respect you as a person, as someone with your own interest, desires, and needs, and to realize that they are sometimes different from my own. 

I promise to share with you my time and close attention and to bring joy, strength, and imagination to our relationship. 

I promise to keep myself open to you and to let you see through the window of my personal world into my innermost fears, feelings, secrets, and dreams. 

I promise to grow along with you and to be willing to face change together in order to keep our relationship alive and exciting. 

Finally, I promise to love you with all I have to give and with all I feel inside in the only way I know how "completely and forever".

i love you  FOR A THOUSAND YEAR .

Hearts, keciq_delurfy

♥ Past / Future ♥